My team has been making receiving blankets, baby shoes, and tag blankets to give the moms who come into the Pregnancy Center struggling with whether or not they should keep their babies. The Crisis Center staff tells us they like to give the moms a homemade gift to encourage the moms telling them that whatever decision they choose to make they will need something to hold and bring comfort during this difficult time. Our hope is that upon seeing this special, handmade gift they will want to keep their baby knowing there are many people around who will love and support them through this difficult, yet joyous time. Whether the moms choose to raise the baby or put the baby up for adoption we believe that choosing life will bring the greatest blessings. Being a mom and knowing how hard pregnancy and motherhood is I understand a little bit how scared some of these moms are and what a life altering experience it is to carry a baby, but I also know what joys & blessings come with the decision to carry this tiny life within you. The joy of birth far outweighs the pain. I've seen what incredible joy adoption brings to many families and I strongly support & encourage that in situations where the mom is simply not ready to take on the challenges of motherhood.
I love finding a small way to be apart of this incredible ministry of this Crisis Pregnancy Center. They counsel, give gifts, and sonograms to these mothers. My teens are also hosting a baby shower at our church for the babies who's moms come through the Crisis Pregnancy Center. After finishing our sewing projects & collecting everything from the baby shower we'll all drive it over to Marianna and tour the facility. They even offered to show us a sonogram of a pregnant woman's baby if we can snag one at the right stage. Any prego moms out there wanting a free sonogram and an enthusiastic, impressionable young audience?
Chandler & Chelsea working on their tag blanket.
Aliya working intently.
Emily & Angela.
Jennifer graciously came out to help us with the sewing. Love the shots my sweet husband captured of me...
Working on baby shoes. The teens picked out their fabrics & traced, cut out, and pinned the baby shoes for us to sew. A few of them even stitched a few seams on the machine.
Chandler & Chelsea's completed tag blanket.
My team raised the money for the supplies & to custom design & buy these labels to sew into what we make.
The reverse side has more Scripture & says, "--handmade with love by teens who care". I LOVE this final touch. Micah approved--SUCCESS.
And contrary to what the pictures show, our team does include boys. They came out at our previous meeting and did just as great as the girls tracing, cutting, ironing, pinning, etc. Of course, teaching 4 of them how to thread & knot a needle was a hilarious experience I'll never forget. If you ever need a good laugh, snag a few good-natured teenage boys &^ work on threading, knotting, and stitching. It will have you rolling on the floor with tears streaming. Or something like that.
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