The lake home beach side.
When we arrived we unpacked and headed straight for the water. Ivory promptly stripped and headed for the water.

Micah enjoyed chilling on the beach and feeling the wind on his face. He even enjoyed a little water fun later in the week, though he found it a little cold.

We found some bugs, saw a dead crab, and discovered tiny jellyfish in this freshwater lake.

Ivory loving it!

When Grandma & Grandpa arrived she was sugared up with some donut holes & pop tarts (actually, the pop tarts were my doing...though I place the blame at Melissa's feet for getting me started with pumpkin pop-tarts).


Crystal clear water.

We practically had the entire lake to ourselves.

We enjoyed some great fellowship and relief when my parents arrived on Tuesday of our vacation (we arrived at the house Monday).

Of course, when they left I discovered that the dishwasher doesn't load and empty itself. Go figure. Yes, I know, I'm extremely spoiled. My parents are pretty much amazing.
The weather was perfect without a drop of rain up until Sunday afternoon. Sunday & Monday were a little on the rainy side, but we did still enjoy some sun and water.

We spent hours and hours floating on these huge rafts.

Ivory and Pa chillaxin Ivory style...which means no one is really chillin.

We took several canoe rides.

Love sandy toes.

As a little girl I would fix his hair on the pool deck while he lounged in our spa. So proud to see her following in my footsteps. We also "enjoyed" being chased by Pa with his shaving cream face. Though, Ivory isn't really running from him like we used to...more like running TO him. She loves shaving cream. She especially enjoyed chasing Mommy and watching Mommy squeal while being chased by Pa. I love watching my dad do things with my little girl he once did with me.

I also enjoy watching my husband be a dad to our kids. He's such a terrific dad.

Woke up to this view every morning:

My little man.
My gorgeous mother. I sure hope I look as good as her when I'm a grandma! She is a true servant and so great with my babies. My mom's had some rough years, but I see the fight in her that I saw in my GG (her mom).
Friday we had a good visit with MikeMike & Bobo when they came out to see us.
Ivory enjoyed some good sunscreen/water hair. As this photo suggests she slept quite well. Unfortunately, her brother...not so much.
Pa shared his fancy ear phones with Ivory. Pa & Gama always have neat gadgets that we ALL enjoy. They were immediate buddies again when Pa showed up with donut holes the first day. (Upon seeing this picture just now Ivory says, "Pa loooooves you!" =)
We enjoyed chilling in the sun and shade every day. We stayed close to home every day. It was so beautiful and satisfying there was no need to travel far.
Love these sun shirts for baby--sun protection is the best! My little girl still turned into a little brown bear.
My happy little white boy.
On Friday were also joined by Jason's
It felt so nice to actuallly relax in the sun--thanks to wonderful grandparents, nap time, and my sweet husband!
We loved chilling on these HUGE floats. We even went for a few paddles around the lake on them. Ivory especially liked riding around touching the
My sweetheart and I enjoyed some swim time alone while my parents watched the kiddos. We also had two nights out minus children feeding the homeless one night and leading the youth at church the next night. I fell in love with my husband while doing ministry with him and I've really missed the freedom of doing it without children and so, believe it or not, that was a treat. The way I see it, we're never on vacation from serving people and I was blessed to be able to give back a little after we've been given so very much.
Micah chillin with the men.
My little
We did have our share of meltdowns.
The men did some grilling and we enjoyed eating some meals outdoors. I love grilled food, but don't like grilling, so this was a treat to me! I also love eating outdoors.
Our little sailor girl.
Jason and his brother, Matt.
Ivory attached herself to this diving ring. She often finds something obscure and attachs herself to it--carrying it around everywhere she goes. It's always something strange, like a small plastic comb, a blue diving ring, a plastic knife for cutting play dough, etc. She figured out that she could throw the diving rings, wade out, pick them up with her feet and drag them to shallower water where she could bend over to pick them up--all to avoid putting her head under water. She did slide down the big yellow slide off the deck with daddy twice...though she wasn't crazy about it either time.
Saturday night Jason, Matt & I ventured out for some fun and exploring. We explored a beautiful state park about 20 minutes away. We then got this grand idea to buy supplies to make a bear call (Jason and I were actually fooled by this one day when we were studying at the Marianna Caverns state park) to have some fun with campers at said park. Well, we built the call only to be nearly busted by the Park Ranger and so we had to make a hasty retreat. Yes, I felt like a teenager all over again. And yes, it was a blast. And no, 4 hours of sleep isn't nearly enough sleep when you're the mother of two, especially when one has decided to start waking every 2-3 hours through the night. But yes, I would do it all over again. Thanks for staying back with the kiddos, Mom and for feeding Micah a midnight bottle.
We did test the call out on our neighbors who were partying it up a few doors down. We heard something about a shotgun and something like a shell being loaded...but that's as far as that excitment went. Don't worry, I stayed low to the ground behind the hill because, as Matt put it, "your kids need a mother." Guess we'll hold onto the call and try it out another time. Yes, we're already scheming about our next attempt...
Ivory and Matt played like this for probably half an hour. SO cute.
The house came stocked with toys--so kid friendly. Pa played with Ivory some before breaking her heart and heading home. Don't worry, she did recover, Pa...but I'm not sure her mom has yet.
Micah thoroughly enjoyed all the attention he received, though he did go through mommy withdrawl.
World's best dad and my handsome husband. Ivory loves it when her daddy wears this shirt, "A-D-D dad, D-A-D dad, A-D-D dad!"
Sunday afternoon my parents headed out...and Jason's parents headed in! Micah, obviously, enjoyed some Nana & Grandaddy cuddles.
Ivory & Grandaddy enjoyed some water time where Grandaddy had Ivory giggling and smiling like crazy.
Jason's parents are precious and we always enjoy their visits. We feel so blessed that our children have two sets of such loving, sacrifical, godly grandparents.
Daddy lovin!
Grandaddy lovin!
Ivory wanted to be wherever Nana was--she adores her Nana. I think Nana sealed the deal when she showed up with a huge box of play dough and play dough toys.
Ivory fell in love with Finding Nemo during this visit and watched pieces of it every day. We fast forwarded the "scary" parts and the "disobedient to daddy" parts.
We were on we were spoiled on sugar and TV. But, she was a good girl and did still eat her veggies!
Can't get enough of this view!
So sad to say good-bye. I am grateful, though, for the rest and relaxation we did enjoy and that God blessed us with such gorgeous weather.
We could not have enjoyed this vacation without the generosity of dear friends--so a HUGE thank you. I'm praying God richly blesses your generosity. We are so very grateful.
Amazing, Bits! Looks like you guys had such a great time!!!
Glad you guys had such a great time but selfishly glad you are back! :)
sooo i started the video of Ivory playing with her uncle Matt, and timothy came running from the other side of the room to watch. quietly.
looks like a lot of fun!!
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