Last week our friends Buddy & Betty Jo invited us to join their family and some kids they were watching at a community pool out by the beach. We decided we'd try it out--and what a blast! The splash pad for the kids is perfectly designed for babies on up! And the big kids especially enjoyed the slide. I'm certain we'll be going back before too long.
Even Micah enjoyed some water time & sported his new water shirt (thanks Beth!).
Ezekiel (Zeke)
Buddy & Caleb
Unfortunately, the night before I was trying to put my huge fabric container on the top shelf of the closet and I knocked over the mag light sitting on the dresser underneath and it fell onto my toes particularly smashing my left big toe. It's still black and blue today! I was hobbling more then a little that day...
That night J took a needle and drilled a small hole into my nail and blood squirted everywhere--so much pressure. Unfortunately, we didn't learn until Wednesday night (next day) that if we had heated the needle more it would have gone through my nail like butter. It definitely DID NOT go through my nail like butter without heating it. See the little hole? Wednesday morning I performed surgery on myself again making a little hole in the lower corner. I felt very proud of myself for being so brave! I'm really such a wimp about blood and pain. But, I think natural labor & birth has given me a since of empowerment and bravery that I can do a lot more then I think I can. So, thanks Ivory and Micah! God has truly done an incredible job creating us. Thank you, Creator God!
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