Before she left her parents wanted to throw a little going away/early birthday party. We made sure we came home from our vaca early enough to attend. The small party with close friends was held at Meme & Papa's where of course Ivory enjoyed quality time with the chickens and Fred, the goose. Well, she actually found Daddy & Cassie chasing the goose to be much more entertaining then actually catching and petting the goose.
Micah enjoyed smiling and talking to Mrs. Thelma & MikeMike.
Mrs. Shirley made her famous, delicious heath chocolate cake for Cas.
I have perfected my skills of capturing unique and embarassing pictures of Cassie. Especially love this one.
Don't worry Cas, with the memory this child has there is no way she'll forget her beloved Cassie.
Thelma & George. Learned some neat things about them this visit. They married when Mrs. Thelma was 17. She then proceeded to have 3 children--each a year apart. By the time she was 21 she was mother to 3. They have been happily married for over 50 years. They are one of the most lovey-dovey couples I've ever met. Their 50+ years together has truly made their love stronger and more beautiful. When I think of what I want my marriage to Jason to look like now and in 50 years I always think of this couple. Thanks for setting the bar for us Gran & Gramps! It's a blessing to have you in our church. Thank you for serving as Sunday School teacher (Mrs.), deacon (Mr.), kitchen crew, and all around joyful servants, you bless us like crazy!
Micah visiting with Papa. Papa is Mrs. Robin's dad. He has been in the ministry for many, many years. I am always blessed when I think about how their are now 3 generations of pastor's wives in this family. Meme, Mrs. Robin, Christina. That is a testimony to the genuine love & faith demonstrated in these families. While all families have their flaws, they don't make a big deal out of trying to hide them. They are truly genuine people with big hearts and I'm grateful to know them and consider them family. Papa has battled chronic pain due to health problems (he's broken his back 3 times among other things) and through it all he has continued to serve the Lord and honor His sovereignty. After his last surgery he felt so much better that he has been able to slowly go off his pain meds and these days you just might find him on putting on a church roof somewhere, painting, or preaching. Meme & Papa are another couple who has demonstrated love and commitment for over 40 years. What a blessing to have these examples in our lives.
Meme & Papa have held onto some neat toys for grandkids & I'm sure the soon-to-come great grandkids.
Cassie has served as Sunday School teacher to the preschool class for 6+ years. Her influence now reaches into the 5th grade. Her zeal & love for Christ and people has been evident since she was a young girl. I'm so grateful she has chosen to pour into the lives of the children in our church, and especially for all she has done to bless my children. I'm grateful to call her a friend and sister. To show a sliver of the appreciation we feel toward her some of us at church decided to put together a scrapbook for her with letters, pictures, and drawings from the parents and kids she's blessed. We presented it to her the Sunday before she left and dedicated our lunch fellowship to her. I also made a peanut butter chocolate ice cream brownie cake in her honor (did you guess the girl love chocolate?).
When she was littler she once did this and got stuck like a teeter-totter.
Meme made a delicous Mexican meal which included homemade enchilada sauce, pica de gallo, and guacomole. My mouth's watering & stomach's growling just thinking about it...thankfully she sent us home with some of each and we were able to somewhat replicate the deliciousness!
Cassie opening gifts for her early birthday party.
Ivory offering her assistance.
We love this girl and can hardly wait for her return at Thankgsiving!
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