So far the pile has turned in to this:
(It had a pink cover before)
My beautiful wooden pegs are hand painted courtesy of Ivory & Micah's cousins Ally & Bella.
Notice the pillow on the left is reversible. And no, I didn't make the bear. That was given to Ivory courtesy of the lovely Miss Sarah--thanks Sarah, we love him.
Three projects left for the nursery: rocking chair cushion, roman shades, moses basket rocker skirt. Maybe tomorrow...if I'm not too distracted/consumed with our newest paint project: kitchen & living room accent walls. I told you we've both caught the fever!
Lee Ann, you're truly insane...but, I'm so proud that someone so crazy-creative and crazy-industrious is my sister. I just wish you hadn't stolen the *entire* sewing genius gene pool.
WOW. and i thought you always would say..."oh the Ross girls they are so talented.." NO WAY i could do all of that... Can i hire you? i had to make curtains for ben's video game room at the shop..and let's just say Mom said, "sew here, LYnne."
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