- Ivory's not always this fussy--she's normally a blast!
- We're not in the hospital and she doesn't have an ear infection
- I have the privilige of being with my daughter always--and I'm not having to stress about taking off work to be home with her while she's sick
- My husband is doing an amazing job painting our house (pics soon to come!)
- God spared my husband this sickness
- I've still had the energy to cook and have actually made some delicious, nutritous meals
- We could afford groceries to cook delicious meals--some can't
- Ivory has an early bedtime!!!
- I'm actually used to her early rising now and awake automatically on my own at 6:25AM
- She's *usually* cheerful when she first wakes up in the morning
- I have a beatiful family
- Most importantly: I'm redeemed and loved by the one true, holy, pure, incredible God.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Everyday Happenings
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Two of her girls were the flower girls in my wedding and her youngest son the self-proclaimed "ring-barrier" or "flower boy."
I was actually at their house when I happened upon a sight that revealed to me I was falling for Jason. I looked outside one afternoon and saw Jason & Dillon laying on their bellies reading a book together and my heart just melted. It was about an hour later when I was driving back to college in my incredibly sweet mini-van when it hit me that I was quite taken with this man. I'll never forget that night.
So, many thanks to this family for nuturing me and my relationship with my now husband of 3 years & 4 months.
So, here's the rest of the kids -Brent (2nd born) & Holly (Bryce's wife) + 2 cousins + Junior (currently living with and unofficialy adopted into the family while he works on his nursing degree and then returns to Haiti to serve his native land) = extremely busy, diverse family
Monday, September 21, 2009
Beach Vacation
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
My Husband
1.What is his name? Jason Allen
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From My Husband |
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From My Husband |
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(no, this isn't where he told me I love you first, it was on a beach--at sunset.) From My Husband |
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From My Husband |
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From My Husband |
With help, of course! From My Husband |
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From My Husband |
From My Husband |
From My Husband |
From My Husband |
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From My Husband |
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From My Husband |
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From My Husband |
From My Husband |
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From My Husband |
And as great as Godiva chocolate is, gotta say baby-in-a-bag is even better! From My Husband |
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From My Husband |
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Wacky Wednesday 80s day in my dorm: yes, he saw me like this (and worse!), and yes, he still married me. From My Husband |
From My Husband |
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And we haven't stopped since! From My Husband |
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My great, great grandmother's ring. Jason drove 10 hours (in one day!) to get this ring so he could propose to me. From My Husband |
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From My Husband |
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Angel Food Ministries
Anyways, just wanted to put a little plug for that for those trying to save a few (or a bunch of) bucks! (click on the title of this post to go to their website for menus and locations)
Okay, so I just realized I'm too late to order for September! Man, this happens to me every time I try to order! Must plan ahead...will try for next month!
Dad is working VERY HARD to prep the house for paint (a job that continues to grow daily!). Hopefully, we'll get to paint next week!! Yesterday, Ivory thoroughly enjoyed watching Dad work. She probably watched him through the window for 20 minutes or more as he sanded and scraped...sanded and scraped...sanded and scraped...
Baby Steps
She took 6-7 steps Sunday. Now, this is all we get. She's so much more interested in crawling. Oh well, it'll come.
Monday, September 14, 2009
First Steps
Friday, September 11, 2009
On Walking
We bought the following in high hopes of aiding Ivory's walking...
Dad also spends lots of time helpin' Ivory strengthen those chubby little legs!
DINO-mite Party
New (to us) Wagon
From 09.September-Ivory |
From 09.September-Ivory |
From 09.September-Ivory |
From 09.September-Ivory |
From 09.September-Ivory |
We also spent some time enjoying our bounce-a-roo from Nana & Grandaddy. She actually enjoyed bouncing (enjoyment usually requires swinging) in it this time!
From 09.September-Ivory |
We also received a tiny trike, which I'm sure Ivory will enjoy in coming months. We praise God for generous brothers & sisters in the body of Christ! We are blessed beyond measure with a very generous and thoughtful church family. And not just because of physical or monetary gifts, but kind words & consistent love & support. While like any church, ours has its flaws, I'm honored to be apart of a church that does such a great job of showing Christ's love!
September Happenings
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Church Events
Ivory 101
Thus, random facts about Ivory as of late:
- confuses eat with more (sign language) & will only sign the correct sign when she wants to. Which leads to the next point...
- is as stubborn as ever--but cuter then ever.
- throws tantrums often. gets disciplined often. catches on pretty well.
- wants Mom's 100% attention 96.7% of the time.
- signs: milk, apple (sort of--it sometimes resembles more of an open handed scratching of the upper cheek/ear), bed (one handed)
- points to her head, tummy, nose (she especially loves pointing to Dad & Mom's nose), toes, and mouth when directed--most of the time
- immediately cheers for herself upon finding & pointing to the correct body part
- still laughs best for daddy
- walks on her knees, yet is completely disinterested in moving on her feet
- loves books. I leave a book in her bed always and she will often hand it to me when she wakes up and wants me to read it several times before getting out of bed. She also drags books out & looks at them for long periods of time or hands them to people to read to her. She especially loves books with flaps, like the ones she received for her birthday and the set of small books (Peter Rabbit treasury) handed down from cousins Bella & Alex.
- can find & identify cats in almost any setting. Yesterday, she screamed ca at the top of her lungs upon sighting Angel (our cat) on the back porch.
- in addition to cats, identifies anything else exciting as "ca".
- still adores animals of any kind. She thoroughly enjoyed playing with my friend Jennifer's cocker spaniel puppy, Nora, while Mom & Dad took the youth group on a canoeing adventure.
- holds up one finger when asked, "How old are you? Can you say one?" -- when she wants to.
- has four teeth.
- is less fun while teething & pacifier weaning.
- passionately loves swinging in any form. She especially enjoys the pink swing Mommy & Daddy bought for her birthday. Swinging outside cures almost any ailment. Seriously considering hanging another one inside...
- acts like a complete wiggle worm / fuss budget in church lately.
- possesses a definite attachment to her crochet blankets (she has 2 favorites: one pink, one multicolor. Made by Mrs. Feral, a lady from church & my older sister, Sherri). She likes cuddling up to them, dragging them everywhere she goes, sticking her fingers through the holes, laying on them in the oddest places as well as her bed, and being wrapped up in them.
- still thoroughly enjoys eating. Whenever she sees me cooking, someone eating, or finds food in her diaper bag, she begs for food with "please, eat, please, eat!"
- completely tunes in to Sesame Street in the morning. She is so focused sometimes she misses bites of food I try to feed her--that's serious focus for this food-loving-kid.
- thinks Elmo is her best friend & enjoys making her stuffed Elmo dance as well as dancing to the elmo songs on her musical Elmo from Grandma & Grandpa C.
- believes washcloths make great hats & loves taking people's hats off & watching them put them back on, over and over and over and over...you get the point.
- talks on the "phone" (phone, fork, hand, etc.) constantly, "hewo, hewo, ya, babble, babble" hand it to mom to talk. Over and over and over...we do this often.
- says "hewo" every time a phone rings--yes, even in the middle of church service.
- acquired a deep interest in rubber ducks, bath time, and pooping in the tub (4 is the current running total...).
- actually picks up a few of her toys every now and then.
- helps put her arms through her clothes as I dress her & swaps things from one hand to the other on her own while dressing / getting in the carseat--such a big helper.
- grows cuter & bigger every day!
- misses her grandparents, aunts, uncles & cousins!!! (or maybe it's Mom who misses their entertaining skills)
- is extremely excited about playing in the leaves with her cousin Carter & all the other family this fall! (well, I'm sure she is, she just hasn't verbalized it yet)