Yesterday afternoon Jason & I enjoyed an entire afternoon/evening together! We went to 2 fabric store (props to Jason) & then headed to an outdoor shopping mall to spend the afternoon browsing stores & wandering aimlessly. Why we chose the outdoor mall is beyond me--it was freezing! Oh well, it made it feel more "Christmasy" & presented a perfect opportunity for a peppermint white chocolate mocha. We were also just glad to not be dealing with diapers, stroller, diaper bag, whining...etc. We were able to spend the afternoon worry free knowing Ivory was with her beloved "Ca" (Cassie), Mrs. Robin & Brother Mike. We also knew there was no way she'd starve as she eats constantly when at their house (this visit included 2 pieces of pizza, a large helping of ham, broccoli, smoothie, crackers, and a few other small snacks--and yes, she ate lunch before going over there!). There's something about their house that brings out the hunger bug in my child.
Target is one of my all time favorite places to shop, besides having fabulous diapers, great two pieces & a wonderful $1/$2.50 section, they also have incredible customer service & very speedy check-out (as opposed to our extremely slow, yet very affordable, Super Wal Mart--I must always be on guard for my Christian testimony is always on the line when I shop there). We managed to pick up a few stocking stuffers for Ivory's stocking and discovered skidders at Target:
Moms out there can appreciate why these shoes are so amazing. I love that they're machine washable, sock is attatched, easy to put on, very durable yet flexible soles, and they're only $12 at Target! I struggled between this style & this one:
But since I will mainly use these for long car rides & play shoes, I decided white probably wasn't the best option. And brown will look cute with most of her play outfits & jeans.

We managed to snap a few self-portraits in front of the Christmas tree in the outdoor shopping center.

Some sweet girls walking by offered to snap some pictures for us.
We ended the evening with a nice, quiet (no family section for us!) dinner at Olive Garden where we used the gift certificate a Sunday School class at our church generously bestowed on us during Pastor Appreciation month back in October. We even treated ourselves to alfredo dipping sauce--delish!
And I haven't even shared the icing on the cake yet--Saturday morning my sweet husband got up with Ivory, fed her breakfast, took her to the church with him while he worked, brought her home tired & ready for a nap. For me this mean sleeping in (until 9!), a quiet shower, time to get ready, and even a little time to sew before she woke at 11:30. So basically I had the entire day off! Can we say amazing?! Now I feel re-charged and ready for another week with my precious little screamer! No, she really is a joy & a true delight that I treasure every single day.
Hope your weekend was great, too--though I know it can't beat mine since I spent it with the most amazing man on earth. ;-)
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