Goodies for neighbors & friends. I tried my hand out this delicious cinnamon honey butter I discovered on one of my favorite blogs. And then, being the over-achiever that I am, couldn't just give it to the handful of people I planned to, but more like 15 + rolls to go with it. Then, I ran out of containers & supplies for more cinnamon honey butter but still wanted to complete my list so I made goodies such as these:
Basically a take on buckeyes converted into Reese's-sorta-look-a-likes. This batch was for one of our church secertaries who likes them so much she asked if she could pay me to make more for today when her relatives came. I bartered for free babysitting instead.
She loves "reading" & is quite entertained by it. I love hearing her read anything she comes across, t-shirts, signs, numbers, labels, books, posters, etc. She "reads" quite well.
Ivory was absolutely *precious* when we delivered the goodies. She was politely entertained & well behaved at each stop & said good-bye & blew good-bye kisses quite appropriately. Very proud Mom moments!
Tonight was Ivory's first parade and she was completely enthralled:
Maybe 1/10th the candy she actually received (she doesn't even eat candy) & 1 of the 3 stuffed animals she was given.

Check it out, Colonel Sanders was in our parade...on a scooter...behind the dune buggies & motorcycles but before the the tractor, lawn mower & tiny cars.
Small Town Parade - Take 1
Take 2
Please excuse the poor lighting--it's just to get that hometown-parade feeling.
There was a Sunday School Christmas party for young families following the parade. Here the kids are bartering with their parade treasures. Ivory just walked around taking a little from each pile (don't worry, she gave it back).
Well, now that Ivory's in bed & Jason's enjoying marshmallows at the party bonfire I better scram & make some progress on my many unfinished projects & finish wrapping gifts!
1 comment:
I also thought about doing the cinnamon honey butter as gifts myself. I haven't read her blog in about 3 weeks and I'm - starting - to - go - through -withdrawals.
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