Saturday, June 27, 2009

VBS ~ Nursery

This is where my mommy worked this week at VBS. She said she really missed her 3rd & 4th grade boys class, but of course being in the nursery with me is even better.
Cousin Alex came up to help Mom in the Nursery. I think she's pretty cool.
Grandpa watched me until I woke up from my nap, then he'd warm my bottle and bring me over to play! I really like Grandpa.

I'm quite the drummer.

I wasn't so sure about Mommy playing with other babies, so just in case she decided to bump me out of my rightful place, I crawled all over her and even decided to bestow on her my first kiss!

She said it was sweet...though rather wet.

It made her really happy. I've given her a few more since, but only when I feel like it--you know those Moms can get rather demanding if you're not careful.

Like my pj's from Auntie Sherri? Mommy says they look adorable on me.

I love tooling around with this little walker.

The toys at this joint taste rather delish.
The teenagers like calling me a marsupial since Mom carries me in a front carrier so much. So, mom made me a kangaroo shirt.

My friend. She's 3 days older then me. Mom says her mommy has lots of great advice for how to help me behave. I'm not so sure...this time out business doesn't sound fun to me.

Modeling the VBS shirt Mom made me. She said it didn't turn out too great, but of course I can make anything look good, especially when you add a bow!
Most of the time I got along great with my new friends, unless, of course, they wanted what I had...or they had something I wanted. I would watch for my opportunity, take it, and crawl away quick like lightning.

LOTS of people came to visit me while I was in the nursery. Mom says it's because I'm special--as if I didn't already know.

Mom has a foot fetish. I can relate though, I have a shoe fetish.

VBS wore me out.


The Sawyer's said...

You have such a beautiful little girl! She is getting so big. Love those big eyes!

Debi Canterbury said...

Awww, love it - and she's growing blonde hair! Can't believe how fast she's growing up, another visit to cousin Carter is definitely in order.