My mom had neck surgery on Thursday, so Ivory and I drove to the hospital to help Dad out and spend time with Mom. She had a herniated disc so the surgeon repaired it and did a cervical fusion. She is doing great! And of course a visit from Ivory made her feel even better. Sherri and her girls took good care of Ivory while I stayed the night with Mom in the hospital and Dad went home for some much needed rest. Mom and I had some great girl time! We enjoyed talking so much that we stayed up until 3am! So much for taking good care of the surgery patient...(she had actually slept 6 hours during/after surger so wasn't tired). With the nurses coming in and out I decided a night with my 7 month old who still doesn't sleep through the night is still better then a night at the hospital.
Alex did a great job keeping me updated with pictures of how Ivory was doing while with them.

Her tongue has become quite fascinating to her all over again.
Very tired after a long day at the Tampa Aquarium on a field trip with her cousins & Auntie Sherri.
On Friday night Bella & Ally stayed the night so we could have girl time. They're definitely my nieces--love for Blue Bell & Cheez-its!
*Rock stars*
Aunt Leah's sunglasses are so much fun!
Ally and I snuck away to the County fair after putting the little ones down for the night. Funny story:: Bella was tossing and turning and not going to sleep. We needed to leave so we could have some time at the fair before it closed. I finally told Ally I needed to talk with her for a little while and asked Bella if she could stay in the bed and watch Ivory for me so she wouldn't start crying when we left (we were all sleeping in the big bed together for girls night). We told Dad and he said he'd check on them in a little bit. He went in 20 mins later to find Bella sitting up watching Ivory. She took her job VERY seriously! Finally Dad told her it would be all right if she laid down and so she fell asleep. One precious 5-year-old!
We enjoyed a few rides (and yes, I screamed!), looked at some cows, chickens, and rabbits, and had our faces painted!
On Saturday we drove straight to Marianna for a good friend's Wedding reception. It was fun, but a *long* car ride. By the time we arrived at home Ivory and I had spent a healthy 2 hours of patience building in the car (non-stop crying on her part). The trip took a total of 6 hours. 
She is really on the move and exploring everything. I love it! So much fun to watch her explore and discover!
1 comment:
Oh my goodness... you have a beautiful family. Your daughter is so precious.
Nice to meet you. I pray that you have a wonderful week!
May the Lord bless you!
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