Grandma + Ivory love to read together. Here they are reading Amelia Bedelia--Grandma's favorite.
Pa + Grandma love to spoil--all of us. This trip was no exception! A dollar store date, Pepper's for dinner + dollar bills hidden under pillows to name a few excitements. (Mom's personal favorite--Pa fixed the internet!) We all *love* Peppers. The kids favorite: queso + chips.

After our little Mexican fiesta we enjoyed a visti to the local marina.
The weather = perfect.

Ivory wanted to be sure to revist all the places as seen in our family photo book (when Debi took our family pictures shortly after Korban's birth).

Ivory is still very much Pa's girl.

Some of the people most precious to me.

Micah found a sharp piece of plastic, "I need to keep it. It's my sword. It for stabbing sharks." All boy. Love it.

My kids have the best dad.
Watching form a distance.

Daddy's shoulders are where it's at.

Micah was *very* frightened when we first climbed the tower, but it's amazing what a little assurance + encouragement from daddy will do.

So grateful for these visits with my parents + the special time with our kids. Blessed.
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