Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Daddy Story Time

Walking in to this scene just melted me. Reminds me of when I first realized I had a crush on Jason. We were at a friend's house and he was outside reading to their 4-year-old, Dillon. I looked out from the back room to the outside to see Dillon & Jason laying on their bellies, resting on their arms, reading a book together. The moment was so precious. I remember thinking, wow, he's so good with kids. I felt warm all over and incredibly happy. Later, while driving home, I was reviewing the day and remembered that moment with such fondness that I glowed. Suddenly, I knew I was falling for Jason. And fall I did. Hard. Within a month we were dating, a year engaged, and 6 months married. Now, each day I only fall harder in love with this amazing man of God. I love you, sweeetheart! And yes, he's still wonderful with children...of all ages.

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