Jason and Matthew joined the competition.
Austin really got into it, utilizing the battle wear he found. He's missing his pink lei in this picture. He even did a little dance and song for me through the window (I was watching from inside...safer there...and baby was sleeping)..."don't you wish you could hulu like I can."
The goal was to pierce the opponents target by flinging an object from your own catapault.
Upward Basketball evaluations were going on while the boys were engaged in battle. We had some very fascinated onlookers. I'm glad we have such wonderful neighbors. Never a dull moment at the church...
I had some willing volunteers for baby holding while I took pictures. Let me tell you, photographing on a field of battle is quite dangerous business. Rocks and other mysterious objects were flying all around me throughout my photo shoot. Ivory was pretty unconcerned through it all.
I just kept asking those holding her to back up...a little more...a little more...how about a lot more? Yikes! There goes another rock...
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