The star of Thanksgiving.

Her first taste of real food. We let her chew on celery since she likes chewing so much. She wasn't too crazy about it. She'd chew a while then make a face and scream.

Aunt Debi stealing kisses...again.

Auntie Sherri giving love!

Grandma--the head chef.

Our boys graciously carved the meat.

Beautiful Bella

Ally adores our little Ivory

My handsome man.

Rachel & Michael.

Our family friends always come and celebrate with us on Thanksgiving.
Uncle Monte

My sister, Debi sampling the food she helped prepare.

My sister Sherri & her husband, Robert

Lee, her daughter Nancy, and my beautiful mother, Diana

Digging in!

Thanksgiving wouldn't be complete without Rachel working on a school project while watching football.

Bella was a great help putting food away and washing dishes.

Exhausted after a hard's day work.
After the delicious food we went out to my parents wooded backyard for some family pictures.
Our good friends Uncle Monte, Aunt Nancy, Rachel & Michael.

My Mom & Aunt Nancy have been friends since Elementary school.

Debi, Ben & baby

My beautiful parents

Sherri, Bella, Alexandra, Robert

Jason, Ivory, Lee Ann

Mommy love!

My parents with their grandkids minus one, we missed you, Cameron!

I love my sisters!

Cousin lovin'

Lovin' on Aunt Debi's baby love.

Our men

The crew