Jason has been busying himself around the house with all sorts of wonderful projects! He has renewed his interest in gardening and has been growing us all sorts of yummy veggies. Here are two pics of his romaine lettuce, which I must say is quite delicious. There is nothing like homegrown veggies!
One of our teenagers, Austin, *made* this swing for us! Jason stained it and, I must add, did an incredible job, as did Austin when he made it. We've been wanting a swing for so long and are grateful to Austin for making it, and our neighbor for giving us the chains! We're so blessed with generous friends/neighbors.
Besides Jason's landscaping projects he has also been working to ready the house for a fresh coat of much needed paint. Jason & his dad boarded in our small side porch so we can store things safely with no fear of the elements. He has also begun waking up with the baby in the mornings and letting me sleep an extra little while!!! This is probably my favorite thing he's doing...This means I'm actually no longer in desperate need of afternoon naps!
Ivory enjoys clapping and waving--when she wants to. We took her to some baseball/t-ball games Friday evening and she thoroughly enjoyed herself in her pink camo and blue jeans. She even clapped & "cheered" for Halley's t-ball game.
It seems like every day she has more personality and every day she steals a little more of my heart (as if she doesn't already have it all!).
She is growing more skilled at climbing. She climbed into the laundry basket (half-full of clothes...only half-full becasue she emptied the other half of folded laundry), reached for the end table and proceeded to climb up onto the red chair, which she only halfway succeeded at. She managed to climb back out without falling (a feat to be sure). She also enjoys climbing on her bouncer and kneeling on it, before she tumbles out of it. She enjoys clearing bottom bookshelves and does a rather good job of entertaining herself.
I know some moms dread these phases and I heard plenty of warnings and groans about the future, but so far I have absolutely LOVED every phase. Sure there are times when I hate waking in the middle of the night and I cry with the child, but who could trade those snuggles and that sweet feeling as your child falls asleep next to you or in your arms? And tell me, how can I trade my personal comfort for that look of complete glee as she discovers something new, like moss, or a leaf. I mean really, when do we smile at a beetle?! It is beyond rewarding to watch someone set out each morning excited to discover the world. At times I am so exhausted, my head is pounding, and I crave adult time, but I am so truly and completely blessed to be the mother of this child. And the wife to my incredible husband. Thank you Lord for my family.