FIVE. My little girl turned 5. Yes, that means Kindergarten. I have to say five is a blast. Quite possibly my favorite year yet. But then I'm pretty sure I said that about four. And then the year before that, and well, I think you catch my drift. Each year with this little sugar 'n spice girl of mine just grows sweeter. Did I mention her party was back in August? Why yes {hiding my face as a I blush} I am just getting around to blogging about it.
Some things I find special about this little girl of mine:
- Loves to learn
- Excited reader
- Does math all day just for fun (so my child)
- Carries sketch/writing adventure books everywhere she goes
- Full of fun and creativity
- Loves imaginative play
- Thoughtful
- Gives the sweetest hugs
- Loves Jesus
- Tender hearted
- Spunky
- Nature lover
- Loves modeling for Aunt Debi
- Loves going to church
- Writes abundant sweet notes to Mommy
- Creative dresser
- Silly
- Friendly
- Brave
- Always planning

For her birthday we had a small gathering of family. Not all people are pictured here (we are still wading through some of the pictures), but here's a small glimpse into our special day celebrating this sweet girl of ours.

Custom made artist smocks for our little artists.

Five of our six artists.

There were art style stations the kids cycled through. Ivory could have spent hours at each station.

Art station for the adults.

We displayed the kids artwork as additional décor + inspiration.

African art work from Aunt Mel.

Sugar cookie decorating station...yes this was definitely a favorite.

Party favors: personal watercolor set, initialed artwork folder, strawberry lemonade cookies, smocks.

The biggest hit by far: splatter paint. Each station had a little history of the style of art and some artists who are famous for this particular style. Pollock is one of the more famous splatter/drip paint artists.

The kids were completely covered from head to toe in paint--and happy as can be, especially this one.

This was the first birthday party the Eby + Bennett cousins have spent together. So grateful the Ebys made the long drive to celebrate with us.

A party isn't quite a party without great food. Here's a little bit of the spread.

A party in the South also isn't quite complete without its sweet tea.

Individual seven layer Mexican dip. Additionally we served taco salad, tex mex rice, and queso.

Small photo albums on the table for entertainment + nostalgia. The kids helped paint the doilies.

I surely missed Aunt Mel for this cake making experience, but following her tips (thanks for the book, Melissa!) I had the best cake experience so far (my first year not claiming the kids frosted it...). Jason did a fabulous job making, per Ivory's request, pink vanilla homemade ice cream (Nana's recipe).

Ivory's birthday actually fell on my birthday. I can't imagine a better way to spend my birthday. Surrounded by so many of my favorite people doing what I love and celebrating my firstborn I was completely overwhelmed with feelings of joy and extreme blessing.

Watching your little girl grow so quickly makes you snuggle each child just a little tighter.

It won't be long and he will be reading and amazing me with his math skills as he claims, "Yep, I'm a genius!" Oh, this girl of mine.

This day could never have happened without an amazing team of people pulling it off--thank you to the many who worked hard to make this day extra special. Thank you to my sister for capturing the day with these gorgeous photos. Here's the link to my pinterest board for resources + inspiration: Artistic Celebration.