Ivory slept nearly 11 hours last night!!! She went to bed at 7:30pm with only a slight whimper(especially tired because of her refusal to nap in the crib for 3 of her naps!) and slept until 6:00am with only one feeding at 2:15am. Way to go, Ivory! It doesn't take much to thrill a mom...
She is now laying on Mom & Dad's bed kicking, cooing, and making beautiful baby noises.
I have a theory that at least partly explains her refusal to sleep in the crib during naps. The
room is extremely bright in the afternoon with beautiful sunshine. I think she is too overstimulated by the sunshine and all the sights around her crib to fall asleep. So, I must work on some darkening shades/curtains. We'll see if it helps!

Ivory received this 12 month old dress from a sweet lady in our church, Lamar. I LoVe it! I just know she'll look darling in it. It's a travesty we have to wait another 9-10 months! I'm especially loving the ribbon detail. It has inspired me to attempt sewing something similar.It's exciting to watch Ivory grow, but at the same time it's always tinged with sadness. Watching her grow into new cute clothing she has always helps. Also knowing we can always have another one!