Thursday, March 11, 2010

Momma's Little Helper

I'm continually amazed by what this girl can do. She has become quite the little dishwasher--in only two training sessions. Just imagine how great she'll be by the time she's three?! She also "helps" sweep up dust piles, shakes out laundry, slides the laundry basket, takes off mommy & daddy's shoes & puts them away, cleans up her own messes, throws things in the trash, helps set the table, helps cook, and other miscellaneous duties. *Most* of the time she does this willingly with great joy. She's a great little homemaker-in-training and I'm so proud of her!

I'm also amazed by this girl's verbal skills. That list of 100 words? Well, she's totally past that. As in probably doubled it. I'm not just bragging because I'm mom...but of course I am telling you so I can brag because I'm mom. :-) She can hear something once or twice and she's got it down. She can sign all sorts of things. If it's not too difficult she can sign something after only seeing it signed a few times. She often signs & talks at the same time. She often signs dada while saying it as if that will bring dada home because of the extra emphasis. :-) She's constructing short sentences and still babbles (with a few understandable words thrown in) in complete paragraphs. She can recognize several numbers & letters, count to 10 (when she wants to), and loves "singing" the alphabet (you can even understand some of it!).

She is definitely a little sponge soaking up everything she hears--then parroting it back. We must watch extremely carefully everything she sees & hears as she repeats or models it. She even takes it upon herself to discipline herself at times--which is both bewildering and hilarious to this momma.

When she accidentaly makes a mess she immediately runs to Jason or I exclaiming, "Oh no! Oh no!", grabs one of our hands and leads us to the site. I'm glad she's gotten the message that accidents are not something she has to hide or feel guilty about and that Mom & Dad are more then willing to forgive & help clean up when there's an accident.

We have really benefited as parents from the materials written by Michale Pearle, particularly his book To Train Up A Child. I know his training methods are pretty atypical & quite contraversial, and I don't agree with everything the man says, but we have found a lot of his methods to be extremely hepful. I especially like how he's made us aware of how smart & capabale kids really are. Because of this awareness I believe we are better able to help Ivory reach her full potential rather then discounting her abilities & understanding.

I'm also quite challenged by Elizabeth George in her book A Mom After God's Own Heart to be verbally speaking & teaching my children biblical principles & Scripture all through out the day even at this very young age. I grow lazy & neglectful in this, but I'm working on it. I'm trying to be more verbal in my prayers & praises to God & to teach Ivory as well. I'm challenged to talk more about God's creation throughout the day and read more Bible stories to her. I want so much for God's Word & His truths to be completely engraved on that little heart of hers from day one. I pray this for Micah, as well.

Question for other parents out there--what books have made the biggest impact on your parenting? I'm always interested in learning from others as much as I can!

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